October 29, 2020– City, County staff and partner agencies met today to discuss the 2020-2021 winter weather outlook, response procedures for snow control, and homeless outreach efforts. The virtual workshop, hosted by the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management, also focused on responding to stranded vehicles/motorists and how the global pandemic may affect response procedures.
“When bad weather strikes, our many partners must come together to help our community weather the storm. Reviewing our plans and procedures together better prepares us respond to significant weather events. At the same time, we remind residents that winter is at our doorstep and preparing our vehicles, homes and families offers peace of mind for the winter ahead,” said Jim Reid, Director of the Pikes Peak Regional Office of Emergency Management (PPROEM).
Personal preparedness:
El Paso County and the City of Colorado Springs will share weekly winter safety tips and resources on their Twitter and Facebook feeds on behalf of the PPROEM.
City of Colorado Springs
Facebook: CityOfCOS
Twitter: @CityofCOS
El Paso County
Facebook: @ElPasoCountyCo
Twitter: @epcpio
The City’s Winter Weather Hub helps residents prepare to weather the winter storms at. This webpage provides information about preparing the home/vehicle for winter, snow plow routes and maps, and what to do before, during and after a winter storm.
Residents may also visit El Paso County’s neighborhood preparedness webpage that includes their winter weather preparedness guide.
New arrivals to El Paso County should visit www.weather.gov/safety/winter to become familiar with the National Weather Service watch and warning definitions as well as winter safety procedures.