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Channel 2 Meetings Only
- Sunshine Law Notices
All El Paso County meeting notices are available on the County’s site.
A calendar of upcoming meetings is also available. - House Bill 19-1087 “Local Public Meeting Notices Posted On Website,” went into effect on August 2, 2019, and allows local governments to satisfy meeting notice requirements via the local government’s website. Due to the new law, the County will no longer post Sunshine Law Notices to a physical location and instead all notices will be posted to the County’s agenda suite webpage
- Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners
Commissioner meetings are Tuesday and Thursday mornings. - All El Paso County Live Streams and Videos
- Board of El Paso County Commissioners
Meetings are at Centennial Hall, 200 S Cascade, downtown Colorado Springs, every Tuesday and Thursday beginning at 9 a.m.
Meeting Agendas - El Paso County Planning Commission
Meetings are at the Pikes Peak Regional Development Center, 2880 International Circle, the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 9 a.m.
Meeting Agendas - Region 16 Opioid Abatement Council
Meeting locations and dates are subject to change. Please visit the above link for the most up-to-date information.
Meeting Agendas - El Paso County Highway Advisory Commission
Meetings are at the Pikes Peak Regional Development Center, 2880 International Circle, the third Wednesday of every other month at 9 a.m.
Meeting Agendas - El Paso County Park Advisory Board
Meetings are at Centennial Hall, 200 S Cascade, downtown Colorado Springs, every second Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m.
Meeting Agendas - See the complete list of El Paso County Boards and Commissions and their meeting dates and times. Volunteer opportunities are available.