There will no longer be a waitlist process in El Paso County for the Colorado Child Care Assistance Program, known as CCCAP. House Bill 18-1335 redesigned the funding structure allocating an additional $21 million statewide for the program. El Paso County’s share of that funding is about $3.1 million.
CCCAP provides subsidies to eligible low-income families, and helps families move toward self-sufficiency. In El Paso County, 1,701 families and 2,815 children are receiving assistance each month through the program.
Letters explaining the next steps and expectations are being sent to those on the waitlist today. The state is expected to approve the County’s CCCAP plan by Monday and the waitlist will be lifted.
At the time is was implemented, El Paso County was among at least 12 other counties in having a CCCAP waitlist policy. As of June, 503 families and 802 children in El Paso County were approved for the waitlist in El Paso County.
El Paso County DHS found ways to avoid implementing a waitlist for about three years by utilizing cost savings strategies. However, continued insufficient funding for CCCAP led to the waitlist in January. Sometimes difficult decisions must be made in order to continue to provide mandated services, such as child protection.
“CCCAP is an important program to help families experiencing poverty as parents can work while knowing their children are in safe, licensed care,” El Paso County Department of Human Services Executive Director Julie Krow said. “Counties and community partners worked hard to advocate for this change. It would not have been accomplished without all the thoughtful work by the Colorado Department of Human Services, Joint Budget Committee and its staff.”