The Board of El Paso County Commissioners at its regular meeting Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018, recognized the retirement of Charles Mobley, expressing thanks in a Proclamation for Mobley’s 32 years of services as an employee of the Department of Public Works.
El Paso County Highway Manager Troy Wiitala talked fondly of Mobley. “Public Service takes a lot of dedication,” Wiitala said. “You can’t stay in this business for more than 30 years without being committed and dedicated to the job. Charley has been the go to guy during floods, rain and snow. If you need something done, you say ‘Let’s go find Charley.’
Mobley’s tenure with the County began in September 1985 on the Highway Division’s patch crew. He served in several different areas for the Department of Public Works, building the tree-cutting crew, running the mowing program, playing a key role in the major cleanup of Ute Pass, making more than 10,000 road signs, coordinating traffic during the Black Forest Fire in 2013, and plowing snow throughout his career.
“Thirty-plus years, that’s outstanding,” said Commissioner Longinos Gonzalez. “That’s showing a love for the people you work with and for the community. And I appreciate that you’ve trained your team to continue that dedication.”
“This is the kind of guy that makes you look good,” said Frank Biggerstaff, a Highway Foreman with the County for 10 years.
More than 20 of Mobley’s coworkers from the Department of Public Works attended the meeting to help honor their long-time colleague.
Mobley said, “Thirty-two years passed pretty quickly. My retirement comes bittersweet, leaving my County family and rejoining my personal family. As a County employee you spend more time with your coworkers than you do with your family. You get a real good bond. Without (my coworkers), I wouldn’t be here today. They should get more credit than I should. I’ve been fortunate to be around a lot of great individuals. And because of that, it made me look good.”