square graphic image of a laptop screen and binary code 0011000011 across image with blue rectangle with text NEWS RELEASE

November 22, 2024 – The El Paso County Public Works Department is introducing a new tool to help residents track snow and ice control operations throughout the county.

The Active Winter Weather Event Dashboard was created to provide El Paso County residents with a way to monitor the progress of current winter snow removal and ice control operations. The dashboard highlights roads throughout the county, their priority level, and when the last time a road was plowed.

The page also contains useful information about how road priority is determined, a section for FAQs, and CDOT’s Colorado Travel Dashboard.

Residents can easily access the dashboard by visiting www.elpasoco.com, hovering over the Roads & Transportation tab, then selecting Snow & Ice Control.

If you would like to provide feedback about the dashboard, or have questions about how to use it, please email dotweb@elpasoco.com. You can also submit an online request using the dashboard page or via the Citizen Connect app.

