The Pikes Peak Regional Building Department (PPRBD) was created by an Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) between the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners and the City Council of Colorado Springs in 1966. As the Pikes Peak region has grown so have we. Today the PPRBD services unincorporated El Paso County; the cities of Colorado Springs, Fountain and Manitou Springs; the towns of Green Mountain Falls, Monument and Palmer Lake; and in Teller County, the City of Woodland Park.

The Pikes Peak Regional Building Department focuses on safeguarding life and limb, health, property and the public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy of all buildings and structures in our area of responsibility. Our goal is to ensure life safety and welfare of our citizens through efficient and consistent application of adopted codes and standards.

The Department is governed by the Regional Building Commission. The Commission is composed of a three member governing body consisting of one County Commissioner designated by the El Paso County Board of County Commissioners, one council member designated by the City Council of Colorado Springs and one elected official, chosen by the other member jurisdictions served by the PPRBD.

The Department is designed to be self-supporting and nonprofit making. Annually an independent auditor conducts a cost analysis which helps us determine our operating expenses and set fees. We are proud to say that our permit fees have not been increased in 11 years and we have some of the lowest fee structures in the State of Colorado.

It takes everyone in the community to keep our homes, schools, offices, stores and other buildings safe for public use. Safe construction practices help protect us, our families, friends and our investments.

Pikes Peak Regional Development Center

2880 International Circle

Colorado Springs, CO 80910
