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April 15, 2021 – Starting on Tuesday, April 20, weather and resources permitting, turn lanes at the intersection of Meridian Road and Rolling Thunder Way will be closed for pedestrian ramp construction. El Paso County Department of Public Works’ contractor, Kiewit Infrastructure Company, will install ADA compatible pedestrian curb ramps at the intersection of Meridian Road and Rolling Thunder Way. The newly installed curb ramps will allow full pedestrian movement at the intersection

Lane closures will change to accommodate new work zones as the project progresses. The traffic pattern described below will start on or after Tuesday, April 20 and remain in place for approximately four weeks:

  • Southbound and northbound Meridian Road will reduce to one lane at the intersection
  • Meridian Road south of the intersection will remain closed until a separate project completes the intersection work at US 24 and Meridian Road.

Lane closures increase safety and efficiency and reduce the overall duration of construction. Please reduce speeds and watch for workers, equipment, signs and barricades.

The project is anticipated to be completed in late Spring 2021. Future updates will be provided as the project progresses.

El Paso County wishes to thank drivers in advance for their cooperation. Funding for this project is provided by Pikes Peak Rural Transportation Authority (PPRTA).

For more information and questions:

County website:

Project website: Select McLaughlin/Old Meridian Roundabout at


Phone: 719-208-8650