January 28, 2025 – The Board of El Paso County Commissioners is seeking community-minded citizen volunteers to serve on the Pikes Peak Regional Building Department’s Board of Review. Applications for the open position are due by February 10, 2025.
The PPRBD is currently seeking one member who represents the building industry as a Building ContractorA (County appointed) and one member who represents a citizen-at-large (Joint appointment with the City of Colorado Springs).
The five-member Board of Review proposes rules, regulations, and standards necessary to accomplish the objectives of the various building codes. The Board of Review undertakes a review of each proposed building code and conducts session(s) of review and public hearing(s) before making final recommendation for adoption of a new or amended Pikes Peak Regional Building Code to the participating jurisdictions. The proposals or recommendations are subject to final approval by the appropriate legislative bodies. In addition, the Board of Review is the authorized contractor licensing body and the final approval authority for all variances.
The Board of Review meets at 11:00 a.m. the third Wednesday of each month at the Pikes Peak Regional Development Center, 2880 International Circle, Colorado Springs, Colorado. The meetings are hybrid meetings, which allows in person or virtual attendance. Please note, the Building Commission does not encourage virtual participation, the exception of virtual appearance is only considered for occasional emergencies, health related / resulting absences, or scheduling conflicts. Attendance in person is expected and appreciated.
All members of the Board of Review are also members of the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board also meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m., same location as the Board of Review. The ten-member Advisory Board consists of the five-member Board of Review and five additional appointees. The Advisory Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Regional Building Commission on matters relating to departmental administration, policy direction, and budget. The Department provides lunch for both Boards at 11:30 a.m., right after the Board of Review meets and before the Advisory Board meeting.
The volunteer application is located at www.elpasoco.com and can be accessed at:
Send completed applications to:
Board of El Paso County Commissioners
Attn: Ingrid Mobley
200 S. Cascade Ave., Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80903-2208
Applications may also be faxed to 719-520-6397 or emailed to volunteer@elpasoco.com.