A statement from the board of county commissioners info graphic

February 4, 2021 – It’s disappointing the Governor’s Office doubled down on inaccurate information. Our approach is to work together to resolve differences for the good of our community. This dialogue is an extraordinary distraction, diverting time and energy from the important work of protecting El Paso County residents. Get us the vaccine and we will get it done. The Governor’s approach is sowing confusion and division, but El Paso County residents can rest assured our partners and medical providers are getting vaccines in arms as quickly and safely as possible.

Like many other counties, El Paso County’s vaccine providers can account for each vaccine received, and stand ready and able to distribute far more vaccines than the supply we have been given so far. The real truth is that to date the State has not been transparent—we do not yet know why some counties have received more vaccines than others, and whether an allocation formula even exists.

We call on the Governor to fix these vaccine distribution inequities for every county in Colorado.