Image of EPCHA Board and Staff with Award news release info graphic

June 9, 2021 – El Paso County Housing Authority (EPCHA) has been awarded the National Association of Local Housing Finance Agencies (NALFHA) Single-Family Excellence Award for their outstanding efforts related to the development of the Turnkey Plus Program.

EPCHA was recognized on May 13, 2021 during the NALHFA Virtual Annual Conference award ceremony. Today, the EPCHA Board formally recognized the award and achievement by county staff.

“I am exceptionally proud (especially of) the staff and Commissioners of the El Paso County Housing Authority in accepting this award from NALHFA,” said Jack Beuse, El Paso County Housing Authority Board Chair. “The El Paso County Housing Authority strives to help citizens of the County attain affordable housing and will continue to do so.”

Change and innovation have been the cornerstone of the Turnkey Plus Program. With basic changes to its predecessor, the Turnkey Program, this reimagined program provides down payment assistance to moderate income qualifiers with self-sustaining funding. The Turnkey Plus Program is financed completely through revolving Housing Trust Fund dollars managed by EPCHA. Not a single tax dollar or bond dollar goes to funding this new program.

“We have a dedicated staff and key partners that have enabled us to provide this nationally recognized program to our community,” said Crystal LaTier, El Paso County Executive Director of Economic Development. “We would like to thank and recognize the EPCHA Commissioners and program partners: Raymond James, Kutak Rock, US Bank, and eHousing Plus, for their continued commitment to innovative solutions addressing affordable housing in our great region.”

El Paso County homebuyers and lenders were clamoring for down payment assistance, and the Turnkey Plus Program provided a welcome solution. Since February 15, 2019, the Turnkey Plus Program by the EPCHA has offered a $5,523,735 in down payment assistance to 424 El Paso County homeowners.

To learn more about the Turnkey Plus Program, contact Eric Leonard at 719.520.6481 or