If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1.
If you can’t find your car and it was on a state highway, call 1-719-544-2424
Current Road Status:
Snow plows are working throughout the day, estimates for plowing in specific neighborhoods is not available. If you have a safety concern in your neighborhood, call 911 for an emergency, or (719)390-5555 for NON-emergency issues. Fully staffed plowing crews continue to work on the more than 2,000 miles of roads throughout the county until all roads are reached.
Abandoned vehicles
- Crews continue to tag and move abandoned vehicles to the side of the road to facilitate snow plows.
- The majority of vehicles in Colorado Springs and on County roads have not been not towed, but moved to the side of the road.
- If your car was parked on a state highway and is no longer where you left it, call 1-719-544-2424 for help locating it.
Where can I take downed trees or vegetation debris from my property?
- Tree and vegetation debris may be taken to Rocky Top Recycling 1775 East Las Vegas Street (near the Interstate 25 and Highway 24 interchange) 719-579-9103 Mon-Fri 7:30 to 5:00 for $5/yard ($20 minimum) or on Saturdays ONLY from 08:00 to 4:00 at no cost, with a donation of non-perishable food (or cash donation) for local food bank.
Requests for assistance with repairs, debris removal:
- Cleanup assistance is available from local volunteer groups helping for elderly, disabled, veterans, low-income, and residents with other special circumstances requiring help. Type of services available: roofing tarps to weatherproof homes, removing tree limbs and trees from private property, etc. Check with your insurance company first to see if damages are covered or assistance is provided. Call 2-1-1 to request help form VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster).
Colorado Springs City Forestry Update
Trees in roadways are considered the top priority.
Colorado Springs City Forestry is working to identify and prioritize downed and damaged city trees and trees in the public right of way. It may take several weeks, depending on the number of downed trees reported. For tree issues in the City of Colorado Springs please call: 385-5942.
For Colorado Springs city-owned trees and trees blocking roadways, the public is welcome to complete a downed tree request form at www.coloradosprings.gov/downtree
Downed trees on private property: Are the responsibility of the owner. Contact home insurance or a private tree removal company. The City of Colorado Springs will NOT respond unless there is a threat to life safety/power line involved. The County cannot remove fallen trees and debris from private property. Volunteers are providing limited assistance with cleanup efforts, see “requests for assistance” above.
Downed trees in roadways:
Report to Colorado Springs public works- 385-ROAD.
Issues in unincorporated El Paso County can be reported using the EPC Citizen Connect app or by going to https://citizenconnect.elpasoco.com
Downed trees on power lines: If a tree is compromised or touching a power line- STAY AWAY from it and keep pets/children away, Report to the utility company immediately: Colorado Springs Utilities – 448-4800 or Mountain View Electric at 1-800-388-9881.
Downed trees on structures: Report to Colorado Springs City forestry; both forestry and CSFD are working to clear trees on structures.
Search and Rescue Update
If you are stranded, please call 9-1-1 to activate GPS tracking and provide address to call takers.
For wastewater, gas, electric and water issues: Contact your specific utility provider.
IN Colorado Springs, all electric, natural gas, water and wastewater service questions should be directed to Colorado Springs Utilities at 448-4800. Questions about outages can be directed to the service outage map at csu.org or 448-4800. Colorado Springs Utilities directly at 448-4800 for any safety advice or utilities-related need.
In other parts of the County:
Mountain View Electric at 1-800-388-9881 crews worked through the night and are continuing to battle the impacts of the storm to restore power to members.
Southeast Colorado Electric Company customers (Yoder, Rush, etc.) with questions should call 1-719-384-2551
Colorado Springs City Parks Update
Use urban trail corridors with caution! Varying degrees of damage may exist. Thank you for your patience as our park crews work to clear our trail, parks and open spaces. Some parks and trails may be closed.
Frequently Asked Questions:
There is significant damage to my road and/or sidewalk, when will the City of Colorado Springs begin repairs?
- . Crews will work as quickly and safely as possible to assess and repair damage to Colorado Springs City-owned streets, sidewalks, and right-of-ways.
I am looking for a loved one, how can I get assistance in locating them?
- The Colorado Springs non-emergency number can be utilized to report missing persons and/or request health and welfare checks at 71.9-444-7000 within Colorado Springs city limits and 719-390-5555 in unincorporated parts of El Paso County
If you feel it is emergent or there is threat to life safety, call 9-1-1.
People seeking assistance with urgent concerns that are not emergencies:
If need assistance with significant issue that is not life threatening: please call non-emergent number of either Colorado Springs city or county.
- 719-444-7000 within Colorado Springs city limits
- 719-390-5555 in unincorporated parts of El Paso County
My Power was out: Where can I Find information about Food and Water Safety
Public Health information:
Due to the recent power outages caused by the damaging winds, if you lose, or have lost power, please keep any refrigerator and/or freezer doors closed as much as possible to maintain cold temperatures. Refrigerated items should be safe if power is off for less than four hours. If the power has been off for more than four hours.
- Keep the refrigerator and freezer doors closed.
- Open the refrigerator as little as possible.
- Throw away any perishable food (including pre-made baby formula) that has been held at temperatures above 41°F for more than four hours. Perishable food includes: meat, dairy, cheese, and eggs.
- Throw away any food that has an unusual odor, color, or texture.
- Throw away food in your refrigerator and freezer that looks suspicious, such as the presence of liquid or refrozen meat juices, soft or melted and refrozen ice cream, or unusual odors.
- If you are unable to reach your trash cans because of snow, you can leave items in your fridge until it is safe to throw them away. You can also place spoiled food in doubled-up trash bags.
- Never taste food to determine its safety. If in doubt, throw it out.
- If your retail food establishment is without power for more than 4 hours, and you don’t have backup source of power, closure to the public is requested until power is restored.
Keep Food and Water Safe After a Disaster or Emergency [Click here for printer-friendly version]
Disinfection of Drinking Water Supply Wells Contaminated by Flood Waters
Guidance for Determining Compliance wth Boil Water Orders