Your El Paso Master Plan survey graphic

Whether you live in Black Forest, Colorado Springs, Falcon, Fountain, or anywhere else in the County, Planning and Community Development Executive Director Craig Dossey has one simple plea: Take Our Survey!

Citizens can complete the Master Plan Survey online by visiting

“El Paso County is launching an initiative to develop a new County Master Plan,” said Dossey. “A Master Plan has such a broad impact, we are asking each county resident to complete a Master Plan survey to tell us where they want our community to go in the future.”

Visitors will arrive at a website that contains both the survey and additional information about the Master Plan, including a schedule of community meetings.

The Master Plan development process will take about two years to complete and will include dozens of opportunities for citizens to voice their views. However, the online survey is a fast, effective, and convenient way for citizens to participate in the planning process.

The County Master Plan is broad and will examine County land use, infrastructure, water capacity, transportation networks, government services, and other important topics. The aim of the Master Plan is to better serve and accommodate the needs of residents, businesses, and visitors to the County. The Master Plan will integrate and expand on concepts from the current Countywide Policy Plan and several recent plans and studies. Examples include the Major Transportation Corridors Plan (2016) and the Parks Master Plan (2013), as well as other ongoing County initiatives, like the Water Master Plan (2018) and broadband strategic plan efforts.