March 01, 2024 – During District 49’s Spring Break (March 18 – March 29) Meridian Road will be closed between Rex Road and Antler Ridge Drive. The closure will provide a safer working environment in the narrow pavement area as crews work to widen the area and relocate a gas line. Closing the road allows construction crews to complete the work in a shorter time frame. A five-minute detour will be placed utilizing Ayer, Goodson and Rex Roads. The road will be opened on March 30 for school start on April 1.
Drivers are reminded to reduce speeds and to watch for workers, equipment, signs and barricades. El Paso County wishes to thank drivers in advance for their cooperation. Lane closures will accelerate the safe and efficient completion of this project.
Traffic Impacts:
- March 18 through March 29 – Full closure on Meridian Road north of Rex Road.
- Ongoing shoulder closures on both Meridian and Rex Roads for erosion control and other construction activities.
- Northbound Meridian Road realigned and shifted to the southbound lanes for approximately 1.5 miles.
- A detour route will be available via Ayer, Goodson, and Rex Roads. This detour is designed to facilitate the safe and efficient completion of construction activities, including widening of the roadway and relocation of a gas line.
Benefits of the project include:
- Enhanced overall safety – improving existing intersection and stopping sight distance issues by flattening out some hills adjacent to the intersection as well as improving the shoulders and roadside ditches in this vicinity.
- Increased capacity not only at intersections but also along the entire roadway, allowing for smoother traffic flow.
- Adding through lanes on Meridian and turn lanes on Rex west of Meridian to help improve traffic operations.
- Improved traffic flow and reduced delay experienced by drivers on Rex Road.
The improvements consist of installing a traffic signal, improving sight distance, widening Meridian to four lanes, and adding turn lanes on Rex Road with full-depth reconstruction of both Rex Road and Meridian Road, stormwater improvements, and utility relocations. The project is estimated at $9.9 million for construction and utility relocation. An estimated $8.8 million of the project cost is from El Paso County’s Road Impact Fee funds that originate from fees assessed to property owners in unincorporated El Paso County upon receiving approval for new construction projects contributing to increased traffic. The project is expected to be complete by early 2025 (weather dependent).
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