Photo of a Yellow Street sign against the blue sky with the words "SAFETY FIRST"

January 27, 2021 – El Paso County is working on a road safety plan to make roads safer and reduce deaths and serious injuries on county roads. The El Paso County Road Safety Plan will guide the county and partner agencies in implementing recommendations based on an innovative data-driven approach to traffic safety.

As a part of this effort, El Paso County will:

  • Conduct a detailed analysis of current safety and crash trends in the region to understand where, why and how crashes occur.
  • Identify priority locations and roadway types for safety improvements, education and enforcement priorities.
  • Propose safety resolutions to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration.

El Paso County is seeking input from the public about where safety concerns have been experienced or observed in unincorporated El Paso County. The public is invited to visit the Road Safety Plan’s interactive map to share road safety concerns.

“Engaging with the public who spend time on our roads, an analysis of the data, combined with education, enforcement, and working with key stakeholders will be vital in developing a road safety plan that will enhance the safety of our roads,” El Paso County Engineer Jennifer Irvine said. “We’re confident a thoughtful, collaborative approach will have long-term benefits for our county.”

El Paso County launched a comprehensive website to share project information with stakeholders and the public throughout the Road Safety Plan process. An El Paso County Road Safety Plan Literature Review has been completed and is available online, along with state and national resources related to safety planning.

As the Road Safety Plan continues, a dashboard displaying results from El Paso County’s crash data analysis will be posted on the website homepage, available for public review. Stakeholders and the public can visit the project’s comprehensive website to stay informed about upcoming meetings, data analysis results, project presentations, meeting notes, and other project developments.

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